No Place for Hate
Roslyn School was designated a No Place For Hate School by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). An assembly was held at the school on October 11, 2007 where representatives presented the school with the banner. Representatives from the ADL were quite impressed with the programs that encourage acceptance of others at Roslyn School. We are very proud to received this designation. Look for the new banner hanging in our new lobby.
The ADL is a Front for Organized Crime – Bronfman Crime Family
The ADL is an organization that is a front for the Bronfman Crime Family. For decades the leadership of the organization had read like a roster from the Organized Crime Family Charts. This Organization has its roots in the Prohibition Era of the Chicago Outfit. THE Anti-Defamation League is a Front for the Mafia!!. This is the last organization that should be involved with our schools and our municipal leadership along with training the police force on activities about hate groups and terrorism. They legacy has been organized crime terrorism on American Communities for years. If the School and Municipal Leadership is unable to correct the situation then We the People need to Roll the Bums out of Office.. If Abington Leadership is some corrupt they will not work with reason, then one can be sure they will be doing more to the community then installing these signs. Our School Taxes will rise due to corruption in the government steering contracts to their cronies. They are the same crime family responsible for placing Casinos in Pennsylvania. Eg. Sugarhouse Casino in Philadelphia.
Photos of the Current and Former Leaders of the ADL Edgar Bronfman Jr/Sr. Moe Dalitz
The Bronfman Gang – Dope Inc Report
The Bronfman family is best known to Americans through its ownership of Seagrams, the biggest liquor company in North America. The family's holdings stretch from whiskey, banking, mining, to real estate, and although somewhat less publicized, narcotics. Today they are regarded as respectable and outstanding "philanthropists" whose name is attached to everything important in Canada and Israel be it government, business, or cultural affairs. This was not always the public profile of the Bronfman family. Less than fifty years ago, they were known to be the biggest bootleggers in North America and were referred to by the less prestigious title "the Bronfman gang." The Bronfmans have always been beholden to the Hofjuden elite. The first member of the family to come to North America was Yechiel Bronfman, a grist mill owner from Bessarabia, Romania, who later anglicized his name to Ekiel. Yechiel emigrated to Canada in 1889 under the sponsorship of the Moses Montefiore Jewish Colonization Committee. [1] This enterprise had been initiated at an 1872 meeting between Baron Maurice de Hirsch, Baron Alfred de Rothschild, and other Zionists who established a Jewish Colonization Association to bring selected Russian and Eastern European Jews to agricultural settlements (kibbutzim) in the Canadian provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. (2) The same period marked the transfer of the Warburg, Kuhn, Loeb, and related Our Crowd migration from Germany and Britain into lower Manhattan. In 1912, William Sebag Montefiore arrived in Montreal where he lived until his death in 1950. Lord Harold Sebag Montefiore, current head of the Jerusalem Foundation (the Zionist wing of the Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem) was sent to Canada for his early education. In the same period, Baron de Hirsch established the de Hirsch Foundation in Canada as the umbrella for all Canadian Jewish "philanthropic" activities, and the Montefiores created a club (named after the family) to service the resident elites. The Rothschilds, too, planted a branch of their family on Canadian soil. Meanwhile, in Saskatchewan, the Bronfman family found little interest in eking a living out of the plains of midwestern Canada. The family first turned to selling wood, then to horse trading, and then most successfully to the hotel business (and prostitution). In Yiddish Bronfman means "liquorman," and the hotel business put the Bronfmans in a good position to take advantage of the 1915 advent of Canadian prohibition. Bronfman hotels became "boozeriums". Prohibition enacted on orders from the Privy Council as the prelude to the 1920s Prohibition in the United States and the birth of organized crime catapulted the Bronfmans into the multi-millionaire bracket and a status as the untouchable kingpins of crime in North America. During Canada's four dry years from 1915 to 1919, the Bronfmans established their contacts with U.S. criminal figures for illegally importing liquor into Canada. In 1916, the Bronfmans established their first link with the opium trade proper. Samuel and Abe Bronfman, two of Ekiel s four sons, collaborated with the Hudson's Bay Company in which the Keswick family of Jardine Matheson had controlling interest to buy the Canadian Pure Drug Company. In this way the Bronfmans rushed into the loophole in the War Measures Act that permitted the distribution by pharmacists of alcohol for "medicinal" purposes. When Prohibition in Canada ended in 1919 and Prohibition in the United States began, the Bronfmans simply turned from whiskey importing to whiskey exporting. After it was all over in May 1936, the Bronfmans agreed to pay $1.5 million to settle their account with the U.S. Treasury; the sum amounted to an admission that half the liquor that came into the United States during Prohibition was from the "liquormans." (4) The "Seagram's Chickencock" the family poured across the border was a mixture of pure alcohol, sulfuric acid, caramel, water, and aged rye whisky. Between 1920 and 1930, 34,000 Americans died from alcohol poisoning. Their control of the liquor flow during Prohibition U.S.A. gave the Bronfmans life-and-death control over American crime. Refusing to play ball with the Bronfman gang usually spelled death, and independent-minded gang bosses were often known to be executed by their lieutenants on the Bronfmans behalf. One of the buyers best liked by the gang was New York City beer baron Arthur Flegenheimer, a.k.a. Dutch Schultz, who succeeded in wiping out his competition, including the notorious killer Legs Diamond. Schultz himself was later rubbed out when he took it into his head to murder crusading New York District Attorney Thomas Dewey. (There is some question about what Dewey was crusading for, as we shall see in the story of the Mary Carter Paint Company.) [5] In the first years of Prohibition, Ekiel Bronfman' four boys ran all bootlegging from the prairie states of Canada to major distribution sites south like Chicago. To secure the shipment lines, Harry set up a dummy firm, Trans Canada Transport Company. Trans Canada was a protective cover for the Canadian Pacific Railway owned by respectable gentlemen back in London, which ran the whiskey across the border. [6] The Bronfinans also bought up stretches of barren farmland along the border and even built an underground pipeline to pump their "chickencock" into the United States. In 1922, Bronfman brother-in-law Paul Matoff was executed gangland-style by the Chicago mob in a dispute over profit splitting. A scandal ensued, public hearings were convened, and the Bronfman crimes came spilling out into the light of day. The Bronfmans received a mild reprimand from the Canadian government and relocated their operations to Montreal. The year 1922 also marks the point when the Bronfmans procured their own distillery, hauled, with workmen included, from Kentucky to Montreal. Since 1920 the Bronfmans had been importing British whiskey from the Distillery Company of London (DCL), which controlled more than half the world market in Scotch whiskey. DCL was owned by the higher echelons of the British nobility, including Field Marshal Haig, Lord Dewar, Lord Worlavington, and others. The dispensation of distribution rights was a decision made by His Majesty the King. In 1926, upon the request of Samuel Bronfman, the DCL agreed to go 50 50 in the Bronfmans distillery, and the Distillery Corporation Limited was formed as a holding company with Bronfman and Seagram s distilleries. Headquarters were established at the Bronfmans corporate castle in Montreal, but it was the Distillery Company of London s William Ross who was installed as president with Sam Bronfman as vice president. The British elite had given the green light to the Bronfmans. Despite the big infusion of capital and the newly gained legitimacy the link-up with DCL afforded them, the smell of Bronfman smuggling and bribery grew too strong. In 1928, the Royal Commission on Customs recommended the immediate prosecution of Harry Bronfman on charges of attempted bribery. Shortly thereafter, the Bronfmans created the Atlas Shipping Company and moved their smuggling operations to the French islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon, fifteen miles off the Newfoundland coast. With licenses in Bermuda, Saint John, New Brunswick, Belize, and British Honduras, the Atlas Shipping Company was one of the first ties nailed down in the dirty-money-drug underground railway between Canada and the Caribbean.
Organized Crime Comes of Age
With Prohibition, crime became a bigtime business. It was no longer based on small-scale prostitution, loan-sharking, or petty protection rackets. Now it was centralized around the marketing of one precious and outlawed commodity whose supply was controlled from London and from the British colony of Canada. Crime was reorganized from top to bottom into an integrated wholesale and retail distribution chain with well defined marketing districts, quotas, and uniform pricing. Crime became syndicated.
Hundreds of movies spewed out of Hollywood about the "Roaring Twenties" have glamorized the truth: With Prohibition, Britain through its Bronfman gang cutout had created a nationally syndicated crime cancer. Within a decade of the Roaring Twenties, the Bronfman syndicate would be peddling heroin, cocaine, and every other available poisonous drug through the same wholesaling, transporting, and retailing system that bootlegged booze. Bronfman's counterpart in the United States was one Arnold Rothstein. Just as Bronfman made it into the bigtime under the auspices of the Hofjuden elite, so Arnie Rothstein was sponsored by Our Crowd Zionist investment bankers who arrived in New York as the Montefiores were setting up business in Canada. Arnold Rothstein the godfather of organized crime was the son of a wealthy Our Crowd dry goods merchant. At the turn of the century, the Russell Sage Foundation had issued a well-publicized field study of loan-sharking in New York City. [8] The report's wide publicity resulted in the bankrupting, jailing, or takeover of the petty gangsters by Rothstein, who emerged as a powerful Tammany Hall figure with a fabled loan-sharking business estimated at several million dollars. Regionwide combines were formed up and down the East Coast for smooth distribution. The Reinfeld Syndicate named after the Newark, New Jersey bootlegger and accused murderer Joseph Reinfeld functioned as the middleman between the British liquor distilleries and the "rum rows" of Boston and New York. Its controlling shareholders were the four Bronfman brothers, Allan, Sam, Abe, and Harry. The U.S. leg was handled by Reinfeld and Abner "Longie" Zwillman, later the boss of Atlantic City, and Rothstein s gangs in New York. [9] In 1927, the Big Seven combine consolidated the entire East Coast distribution system. Its organizer was John Torrio, a dapper little gentleman who, without benefit of family, racket, or turf had gained notoriety for eliminating any local crime bosses who stood in the way of national syndication. Torrio was a Bronfman man who had murdered his own uncle to prove it. Brought into Chicago in 1910 by his uncle, racketeer "Big Jim Colosimo", Torrio sniffed the wind on the eve of Prohibition and demanded that his uncle start making the right contacts to get into the lucrative business of bootlegging. When "Big Jim" refused, Torrio had him murdered and took over the Chicago mob as the distribution point for the Bronfman liquor. [10] In 1925, Torrio suddenly left Chicago, heading for Havana and then landing in Italy. Returning to the United States in 1927 after he miraculously escaped Mussolini s purges of the Mafia, Torrio came back with one goal: to build a nationally organized crime syndicate. While the mad killers and punks like Dutch Schultz, Legs Diamond, and Al Capone made the headlines every day and provided good material for gangster movies, John Torrio quietly continued the work that Arnold Rothstein (assassinated in 1928) had begun, now with the aid of Rothstein's successors Meyer Lansky and Lucky Luciano. Torrio could do what Lansky and the Bronfmans were prohibited from doing for reasons of ethnicity: Discipline the scores of family local crime chieftains and "moustache Petes" into one centralized business that could penetrate every sector of the economy. Known as the "assassin who never carries a gun," Torrio presented himself as the elder statesman of organized crime and commanded respect from the Mafia locals. "Cooperation is good for business" was his slogan. The Big Seven had been Torrio s first step. The cooperative of East Coast bootleggers controlled from the top down to the local levels all prices, membership, centralized distribution points, corruption, and protection. By 1928 Torrio was able to call a Cleveland meeting to establish a nationwide crime syndicate. [11] The gathering was unique in that it had succeeded in bringing together into one room all the crime bosses of every major organized city. There were three items on the agenda. First, how to use the huge profits of Prohibition and invest them in legitimate businesses that would permit a steadily increasing take for the syndicate. Second, how to deal with the Italian question. The ritual vendetta murders of the mafioso families were good for the newspapers, said Torrio, but bad for business. Immediately after the meeting the Castellammarese gang wars broke out in New York as the test case for Torrio s syndicate. Under the auspices of Lansky and Torrio, Lucky Luciano succeeded in wiping out all recalcitrant godfathers. During the last night of the war the infamous "Night of the Sicilian Vespers " over forty people were gunned down. [12] With cartelization came the need for more long-lasting regulation gangland style. In the early 1930s, Murder, Inc. was formed as a regulatory commission of sorts to police any over-zealous "free enterprise" advocates who might try to buck the syndicate. A special assassination bureau was set up by Meyer Lansky and Benjamin "Bugs" Siegel. The "Bugs and Meyer Gang" had been distinguished by the fact that it owed allegiance to no one (except maybe Arnold Rothstein); it had originally been used to protect Bronfman liquor shipments across the border against "freelance" hijackers. [13] By 1932, Torrio was strong enough to pull together another meeting of the syndicate, this time in Atlantic City, where a National Commission the board of directors of organized crime was officially formed. Aside from the leading Italian mafiosi who had survived the transition, Meyer Lansky, now regarded as the financial and enforcement wizard of the syndicate, and Atlantic City s Zwillman were in attendance as honored guests.
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Bronfman Assets –MGM/Universal, MSNBC/Universal, LaidLaw School Buses, McCain Family Fortune,
EIR Report
Who's Who in `Mega' by Scott Thompson
The following are brief biographical profiles of some of the leading known members of the "Mega" group; notable, is the pattern of alleged organized crime ties.
Charles Bronfman: On Feb. 19, 1999, Charles Bronfman was elected chairman of United Jewish Communities (UJC). This $4 billion cash cow subsumes 189 Jewish Federation contributors and 400 Jewish communities in North America. At a Nov. 9-13 UJC General Assembly in Washington, Bronfman will pass the chairmanship to James A. Tisch, son of Mega member Laurence Tisch. Charles Bronfman had been co-chairman of Seagrams, until its merger with Vivendi. He is today chairman of Koor Industries Ltd., which is a high-tech holding company at the heart of the Israeli military-industrial complex. He is also chairman of Claridge-Israel, Inc., which took over Bank Hapolim, when the Israeli government privatized it. This deal was brokered by Ted Arison, an Israeli who, in the United States, built the Carnival Cruise Lines into a billion-dollar business. Arison got his financing to start Carnival from Meshulim Riklis, one of junk-bond manipulator Michael Milken's major clients, and a close ally of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
Edgar Bronfman: Bronfman has been president of the WJC since 1981, and has been a director of the Anti-Defamation League for many years.
The Bronfman family fortune was built by the father of Edgar and Charles, Sam Bronfman, who during Prohibition merged his Distillers Corp. in Montreal with Joseph E. Seagrams & Sons, Ltd. to supply "bootleggers" with top brand booze, becoming what Israel Shamir (writing on Mega) called a "Mafia boss." Under the successor co-chairmanship of Charles and Edgar Bronfman, Seagrams took a 24% controlling interest in DuPont. But soon after Edgar's son, Edgar Bronfman, Jr., became CEO of Seagrams, he sold off the holding, purchasing Universal Pictures and the world's largest record distributor, Polygram Records. On June 19, 2001, the Bronfmans sold Seagrams to former Lazard Frères partner Jean-Marie Messier, owner of media and communications conglomerate Vivendi, for $34 billion.
Leonard Abramson: Abramson was the founder of the murderous health maintenance organization, U.S. Healthcare. He sold it to Aetna Insurance for $990 million. Now, apart from a stake in Israel's Bank Hapolim, Abramson owns the Maine Merchant Bank in Portland, which is a $20 million non-deposit institution, whose ostensible purpose is to make high-risk, venture-capital investments.
Max Fisher: In 1985 Max Fisher, a top adviser on Jewish affairs and Middle East policy to every Republican President since Eisenhower, founded what is now known as the Republican Jewish Coalition, of which Fisher, 93, remains honorary chairman. A March 11, 1998 Jerusalem Post article reports that Fisher is looking for a replacement, and among those being considered are Mega co-founder Leslie Wexner, suspected Mega member Ronald S. Lauder, and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz.
Fisher amassed his fortune as a bagman for the "Purple Gang" that smuggled Sam Bronfman's booze from Canada into the speakeasies of the Midwest. Fisher made his "legitimate" fortune in the oil retail business, through Keystone Oil, Aurora Oil, and Marathon Oil. Fisher later became chairman of United Brands (a.k.a. United Fruit), a firm accused of major narcotics smuggling from South America.
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