Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tribute to Dead Beats

Well, here we go again. I have something to say and it's not because I want to say it, but because I am being forced to defend my self once again.
Most know that I will do anything to avoid conflict, but you also know you can only press so far before I say NO MORE!!!
Well, another one of those pivotal moments hit this week where I decided enough was enough and if I have to muddy my blog with personal stuff, I will.
Many of you know that if you talk to me, like me or come on my show you will be harassed by agent provocateurs and stalkers. You will be stalked and you will be threatened if you publicly admit that you like me or talk to me. It's just the way it is when you rat out a bunch of rotten murdering lying FED's, especially if you're a woman who won't take the abuse certain big strong men exert to feel good about themselves.
We are all used to their usual routine where they call me a fraud, a prostitute, liar and say I bomb buildings and other outrageous acts, but this week really crossed the line. They started messing with my children again.
Let me tell you something you rotten pukes!
Everyone knows I am a single mother and not because I wanted to be, but because I had no choice. That's what happens when your husband leaves you for a man when you are pregnant.
So, I did the best I could do raising my children ALONE without a care in the world from the sperm donors. Not once did they care if we had food, didn't care when I was in the hospital or couldn't walk and they certainly didn't care when I was in a wheelchair and my daughter was raped and sodomized.
THEY NEVER CARED ABOUT A THING other than their own selfish needs which did not include my children. Is it just par for the course since I had a dead beat dad like that too?

Of course Mr NAVY SEAL and Secret Service HERO Frank Czajkowski was too busy running black ops and taking orders from his butt buddies in Washington to care at all about his stupid daughter....maybe if I was a man, I would be cool enough. He could dress me up like his twin, like he did my brother to go show off? Gee, that sound fun...
Well, I hear this type of thing is generational, if you don't have a father, your' children won't have a father and so on...honestly, it was no big deal. After knowing who my father is, who would want one like that anyway?
This helped to appease me when my husband, James Keddington walked out on us while I was pregnant, for his self professed boyfriend of 15 years named Kipp. Since I don't believe in breaking commitments I was happy he left me for a man, that way it wasn't my fault.
Well, you know I'm only bringing this up because this week certain youtube and facebook "friends" have been going around sending emails to my friends trying to warn them that I am lying to them about my children and that I stole my children from their loving fathers...LMAO
Yup, that's what the messages say, so I've had enough! I'm not going to take these lies anymore and the more you put out there, the more I will dish about YOUR PERSONAL lives to defend mine and my beautiful innocent children. I'm not going to sit back and be lied about by a bunch of stalkers...besides, if you were so confident in what you were saying, why can't you use your real name, BusyBee???
Anyway, getting back to James, I owned a small restaurant at the time named CJ Taylor's Deli Cafe in the Avenues in Salt Lake City. You can clearly see on the article my address was 382 4th Avenue. I built an apartment next door which initially was a storage room and that address was 376. My sweet loving husband who loved his daughter lived at 315 4th Avenue. After the initial separation, I used to write and beg him to be a father, he just didn't have time for us. In fact he took the special long way home so he wouldn't even drive by us! After a while I thought his boyfriend might be stealing his mail from me so I went to pay my employees to hand deliver letters to him begging him to be a father.
Not once did he respond, and not once did he offer to help in any way. Samantha didn't exist to him. There was a time where he received pressure and pretended he wanted to be a dad while still living in Salt Lake City, of course he called it "babysitting" not spending time with his daughter, but that was quickly cut off when he disappeared and moved out of state without any word to me or Samantha. Come to find out it's some computer job for the federal government...oh big surprise...LMAO Last time we spke he said he was working for NORAD and that is what his mother used to justify him not being a dad, he has too much work to take care of...
What gets really interesting here is that around this time I had some knee surgeries that kept me laid up. The ex's family literally KIDNAPPED my own daughter and fled to Oregon. This slime ball was actually consorting with the parents and siblings of James, my loving ex husband.
So I find out where he is months later from an old babysitter and figure, oh well, what's new, if he wanted to be a daddy, he would be here or would have said something.
To date, not one Christmas or Birthday Card.
I may sound matter of fact about these issues, but it's only because it's been so long. I do have to admit this was very hard for me and hard protecting my children from the pain of not having a father figure....but somehow we made it.
I almost got married in 2001 and I was able to get a hold of James through his mother. I called to ask if he would sign over rights of Samantha so her new "daddy" could have full legal custody. He loved the idea since he would not be liable for child support or any of the other costs he was court ordered to pay. But really what good is a court order anyway, when he is has been court ordered to pay me tens of thousands of dollars all these years??? Do you know how much I got of that? Not one red cent!
Of course the courts say I need to go back to court to pay someone else to enforce the court order. Since I have no respect for kangaroo courts, I have never done that and figure karma would take care of the rest and we would be better off in the long run no matter how hurting we have been financially.
So, of course no enforcement, why would he pay??? This really makes me wonder why certain people are going around trying to defame me in emails and phone calls to my friends, messages on youtube and facebook? In fact on facebook, there is a person there who tried to tag all my photos of MY daughter as a missing child!
Now how is she missing? Who's missing is the "daddy" who claims to love her to his buddies who then go around to all my videos or any video I'm in, then contacting guests of my show to try to scare them away from me making up lies like this:

From: B B
Date: Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 12:31 PM
Subject: TRUTH

I have seen the beautiful pictures of you and your family....Daughter.....Well, I want you to know that Christie claims Sams dad is out of the picture or doesn't care. No, he pays child support every month and Christie has taken Samantha and he has no idea where to find her. He doesn't get to speak with her, see her except for an occasional picture on myspace. How would you feel to be denied your daughter because your ex up and moved and hid!!! This is what Christie has done. Sam's dad is a very good man. He is caring and would love to just spend time with her. Or even talk to her.....which he has done in the past. He had Sam for the whole summer 2 years ago and offered to have Sam even more. This up set Christie and she has now kept Sam from her dad. She even has Sam saying that he was never in her life???? What was her summer vacation, a dream??? Christie isn't honest and she uses people, unfortunately her own daughters are being used too!!! You seem like a strong and intelligent man. I am sending you this for help in anyway. You probably like Christie, it is normal until you piss her off, or what she thinks is you pissing her off and then, you will be on the BAD Christie side. Hope you never have to know that person. Just be careful.

Come on pukes! Now this is funny and doesn't take a NORAD rocket or computer scientist to figure out...
Don't you think that if he really loved her he would have called by now? DUHHHHHHHHH Don't you think he would have returned an email by now?????????? DUHHHHHHHHHH
Common sense. In fact James is the one that created Samantha's email address! You can't pretend he doesn't have it, never mind her youtube account that Busy Bee thinks he can harass by emailing 7 times per day! I know for a fact that they know where we are and how to get ahold of us...not to mention the fact that if his stalker buddies no where, he can figure it out too.
So now there is an army other other people supposedly fighting for him, but he just loves her so much he can't speak for himself? You freaks are so transparent! At least use your real name when you are tyring to convince somene what a fraud you think I am! LMAO

Here are some emails to Samantha's youtube account...

BusyBee12341 has sent you a message:
Your dad
Your dad didn't leave you. If he didn't take a better job, your mom wouldn't of gotten all the child support that your dad has given her. He has helped out more too. Your dad thought of you all the time. You just had a great summer with your dad, wouldn't you like to do that again, or even see him on a more regular basis ?? Family tries to understand each other, your dad wanted to have a good job to help make your life better.....that counts!!!

BusyBee12341 has sent you a message:
Sam, I am writing because your dad tries. I think your mom is deleting the messages!!! He sends tons and tons of stuff all the time. He hasn't gotten credit for anything he has done for you. How would you know when it is being hidden from you. Sure, you love your mom BUT your dad would protect you too !!! He helps your mom out every month. You could call him. He calls and no one ever answers. Why don't you call him tonight and hear what he has to say. It doesn't hurt to talk to someone. Maybe he wasn't there as much as your mom would of liked BUT there is more to it than you know. But it is okay, you can make up for lost time. Its ok. You use to talk, you spent time with him, don't you want to do that again??

So what is this Busy Bee up to anyway? What does he have to gain by interfering in my life trying to subvert me and lie to my daughter?
Samantha is a lot smarter than you stalkers give her credit for! She knows who loves her and who doesn't. She knows who is there and who is not. She also knows who emails or calls her as she runs her OWN email, which I do not ever log in to in fact don't even know the password! But, James does.......since he set it up, so if anyone is supposedly deleting emails it would be him.

Gee James, you are really reaching! Have you ever considered returning a phone call or email? Well, for the record I have saved every thing I have sent and every thing you have sent. Do you really think you can lie and get away with this?
What is it that you have to gain?

I think it's very interesting that Samantha gets not one card her entire life, for 10 years, then you show up out of the blue and demands to take her from me? Hmmmmmmmmmmm, could that have something to do with your employer? Kind of interesting that you communicate with the people that have been trying to silence and even kill us, but you don't have time to talk with us??? LMAO

STALKING US ON THE INTERNET WITH THE HELP OF YOUR G-MEN isn't going to make you a good daddy.
Please take a look in the mirror and see what you have done to this little girl. I am sorry she's not as stupid as the rest of your family who thinks it's okay to kidnap and lie to courts to get what they want. Don't you think it's interesting I've won every single court action??? Do you know why? Because you are liars and I am not and the record speaks for itself.
That is why I have full custody. YOU LEFT YEARS AGO, I moved last year to get away from your stalker buddies and now all of a sudden that's a crime?
Don't you remember when we talked with you about this while I was in a wheelchair. I told you we needed to find a safe place. You laughed, denied, then disappeared again and this is how you try to be a father?

BACK OFF LITTLE COWARD! ALL OF YOU!!! If you want to be a daddy, why don't you try picking up the phone and going from there? You want to take it to the internet, no problem. I feel quite comfortable going after slime trying to hurt us in the open. If I hear of even one more email to any of my friends, you wil have a restraining order slapped on you in a pair of Busy Bee, if you are really trying to help hium, wqhy don't you suggest he pick up the phone rather than hide like the coward he is and blame everyone else for walking out on us without a care for a decade!

PS, you missed her birthday again...

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