Saturday, February 21, 2009

Documenting the stalkers

This organized stalking that no one wants to talk about or address is getting way too out of hand. Quite possibly if you have not experienced it first hand, you might not understand the true destruction of what this type of harassment and stalking does to a family.
I have written numerous blogs about the tactics used and evidence of my claims and am honestly too worn out to think about going on any coherent rant so I'm just going to post the claims of these stalkers that have been slandering me and filing false reports about me in order to initiate false investigations and have my children taken away, institutionalized or imprisoned, in an effort to document these attacks.

All of these claims have been spoken on LIVE internet broadcast radio and podcasts, posted in blogs and press releases and sent to my youtube and myspace friends and subscriptions and guests of my show, potential guests and basically every group I have even heard of in the "patriot/freedom" movement.

Their claims:

  • I have bombed and conspired to bomb federal buildings
  • I have threatened to kill congress and conspired to murder others
  • I killed a mexican military guy (then fled to Mexico)
  • I am a prostitute
  • I am a child pornographer
  • I forced others to participate in orgies (although I have never been to one LOL)
  • I choked my children (and other abuses)
  • I blew my dogs head off
  • I stole money from an fbi mole
  • I am conspiring to overthrow the federal government
  • I called someones social worker and pretended to be a doctor
  • I starve my children
  • I vandalized a canyon and gave a "bj" to have someone else help me set someone else up
  • I have been accused of stalking these very same people that have been stalking me, although I have NEVER contacted them even once!
  • I am conspiring to kidnap Jim Stachowiak using chemical nerve agents
  • I am a Nazi who works for La Raza
  • I am a delusional schizophrenic
  • I kidnapped my children
  • I threatened to beat someone with a bat in a location I was never at
  • I hacked in to government computers
  • I am planning an armed invasion of the state of Georgia
  • I am stalking my stalkers

What really happened?

  • I have been stalked physically and electronically for over 2 years.
  • These claimants who file false reports about me (Jeff Schwilk, Jim Stachowiak and Celeste Diedre Bonds Cortes) have threatened to kill me, have filed false reports which led to another investigation and ultimate raid on my house after they committed a crime I refused to participate in after I exposed a sex trafficking ring run by the city
  • Have threatened to poison me, my children and my housemate
  • Have threatened to steal my children and take them across the border to sell
  • Have been attacked with non lethal weapons that burned me and my children
  • Was completely disabled
  • I have been shot at
  • I have been beat up physically
  • My children and I have been burned with DEW's (Directed energy weapons)
  • I have been set up for multiple crimes
  • Computer hacked and phone bugged
  • My house broken into multiple times, bank account defrauded more than once to the tune of 7 thousand dollars. All family heirlooms stolen from my home in the middle of the day.
  • Posted my personal information online and radio broadcasts repeatedly to encourage others to pay me a visit.
  • Have made 37 fake youtube sites impersonating or slandering me.
  • Have made dozens of videos making false claims
  • Have actually reported these fake crimes to intelligence agencies
  • Have had multiple sites taken down due to false reports by those trying to conceal their crimes
  • Have been harassed by police and other law enforcement due to these false reports
  • Have been pulled over and searched of all my belongings and detained for 12 hours trying to move to a safe place due to an anonymous report that I was a terrorist and carrying contraband and/or bombs
  • Have been investigated by multiple agencies including CPS because of these false claims
  • My car has been vandalized numerous times
  • My car was completely dismantled (totaled) in front of my house
  • Dead pets left on my front door
  • Attempted arson to my house
  • Have been to court (and won EVERY TIME) due to these false allegations
  • My domain names were hijacked and directed to other sites
  • I have been denied help from multiple law enforcement agencies
  • I have been denied restraining orders even when video evidence of me being physically beaten was presented
  • I was set up by falling for a story of a mother who lost her children and needed a nice place to live so she had a chance of getting them back and drove her to her anger management and personality skills and English classes who stole and highjacked everything she could get a hold of and terrorized our lives after the police had to escort her off our property for threats against myself, my children, a housemate and friend
  • They have attacked, threatened and slandered anyone who dares talk to me
  • They have called harassed and threatened congressional candidates that I have worked for or did shows with

I probably have left a few out but will edit after I have a good nights sleep. Of course all of this can be found in my previous blogs about this the past couple years at
I will continue to document and expose their actions in hopes that no one else can ever be hurt by these people.

I appreciate those that have stood up to this and thank you for documenting the slander and harassment you are also receiving because of these people.

Please continue to report and document. I will not stop till justice is served! This is not only a civil crime, this is criminal!
They will be exposed every step they take and I will not back down to their threats...

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